Today we went to Sharon Woods with a group of friends from our church. It was extremely hot, but after a while we hung out an inside activity area, which was nicer. The kids all had a blast, there were 15 of them including the babies!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The last two weeks we have been having "MorningStarUniversity" at our church. I am in the class taught by Carolyn Terrell called "When life gives you lemons, Make lemonade." I am so thankful that there are other "more mature" (not old) :) women in my life from whom I can learn by their experiences and knowledge. My life seems to be a whole crate of lemons and it sometimes can be hard to find the good. One of the most encouraging points that I heard last night was when she quoted another woman ( I don't have my paper in front of me so I can't quote it exactly.) But the jist of it was that God knows our whole life. He's had it planned from the beginning, our story is already written. He knew what we needed to go through to grow closer to Him and be a better used vessel for His Glory. MAN. That's pretty awesome. To know God has a plan, and that in the end it is all going to work out for MY good and for HIS glory. WOW. This was definitely the week I needed that. God's timing is amazing. Next week I am expecting some news. Good or Bad, God is in control of my life. I am thankful for that because every time that I have tried to grab the reins I run into the ditch! Thank you Lord for being faithful even when I'm not, and thank you for your perfect plan.
We went to the zoo today with our friend Barb, and her 2 daughters Moriah and Ruth. I wasn't SUPPOSE to start my day until 8am but Addi and Antz had different plans. They were both "upandat'em" at 6am! Yes, 6AM! This never happens, so why of all days today? I dunno. I love sleep! But regardless we ended up having a great day. Ant who usually gets up at 8 and is ready to crash by 12 made it from 6-3 with no problems at all! Hallelujah! I wish I had some great pics for you but I am one of those bad moms who always forgets the camera. The kids had a great time. We got to see part of the "wings of wonder" show which I had never sat to watch before, and we had to drag them away from that. Addi loved having a friend to walk around and giggle with!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Stop and say "WOW!"
Psalm 94:19
In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.
Don't you just love when you read something that just makes you stop and say WOW!?!
That is one of the awesome things about Psalms. I think it is becoming my favorite book because I am having these moments more than ever before. Man this one really rung my bell.
I have been going through some serious trials lately. And I find myself daily, hourly, constantly thinking about and worrying about what, when, why and all those other unanswerable questions. But it is amazing to know that in the mist of the battle raging in my brain that if I will just stop for a sec, and think about the Lord, and His blessings toward me (which are innumerable) that he will comfort me! In the end when I stand before Him are these things I am making myself sick over really going to matter?? No way. All that is going to matter is the things that I have done for Him. Being a faithful servant, witnessing to the lost, showing His love to a world in need.
We have been studying Exodus in my Sunday school class. And it seems like I can really relate to the Israelites. They were a whiney bunch of no-good, blow whichever way the wind goes, kinda people. They complained about EVERYTHING. Even when God blessed them it wasn't good enough. And they were so unfaithful. They'd get away from God and get in hard times and then come crying for a blessing. And even though they didn't deserve it God heard their cry and gave them mercy. They went round and round back and forth with this. And then here am I. Whiney, unfaithful, crying for a blessing that I don't deserve. But the awesome thing is no matter how much I let Him down, He loves me. He picks me up when I fall, He forgives everytime. Read Psalm 106 especially verses 43-45 to see what I'm talking about.
To sum all this up I am most thankful for 2 things. That Jesus is not only my Savior but He is also my Comforter. I hope that in my life I can show others that He is the Giver of ALL blessings. Even when life is hard and we go through the impossible, He is still there and He is ALWAYS good.
In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.
Don't you just love when you read something that just makes you stop and say WOW!?!
That is one of the awesome things about Psalms. I think it is becoming my favorite book because I am having these moments more than ever before. Man this one really rung my bell.
I have been going through some serious trials lately. And I find myself daily, hourly, constantly thinking about and worrying about what, when, why and all those other unanswerable questions. But it is amazing to know that in the mist of the battle raging in my brain that if I will just stop for a sec, and think about the Lord, and His blessings toward me (which are innumerable) that he will comfort me! In the end when I stand before Him are these things I am making myself sick over really going to matter?? No way. All that is going to matter is the things that I have done for Him. Being a faithful servant, witnessing to the lost, showing His love to a world in need.
We have been studying Exodus in my Sunday school class. And it seems like I can really relate to the Israelites. They were a whiney bunch of no-good, blow whichever way the wind goes, kinda people. They complained about EVERYTHING. Even when God blessed them it wasn't good enough. And they were so unfaithful. They'd get away from God and get in hard times and then come crying for a blessing. And even though they didn't deserve it God heard their cry and gave them mercy. They went round and round back and forth with this. And then here am I. Whiney, unfaithful, crying for a blessing that I don't deserve. But the awesome thing is no matter how much I let Him down, He loves me. He picks me up when I fall, He forgives everytime. Read Psalm 106 especially verses 43-45 to see what I'm talking about.
To sum all this up I am most thankful for 2 things. That Jesus is not only my Savior but He is also my Comforter. I hope that in my life I can show others that He is the Giver of ALL blessings. Even when life is hard and we go through the impossible, He is still there and He is ALWAYS good.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Atheism Overload!!
So lately while reading a friend's blog I somehow got linked to a few other blogs from people who had responded and what not. Now I am hooked on reading this God-hating atheist girl's blog and every day I feel like my head will explode with the shenanigans she pulls and the horrid blogs she posts. But its like a train wreck! I can't stop reading. I can't stop being annoyed at the fact that there are actually people out there that cannot see that there is a God. I mean bible aside. How can someone think the earth "exploded" into being?? It blows my mind. And why do these people insist on being hateful, insulting and rude to those of us who don't believe like they do? I think it takes a lot more faith to NOT believe in God than it does to believe! The bible says that even the devils believe and tremble. So not only are these people fools, but they are dumber than the devil!!! But as mad as I get at the things they say and do in the name of their beliefs, I get sad. Because one of these days we will ALL stand before God. And I think for your average hell-bound unbeliever it is going to be excrusiating. But somehow I think that these people are going to have the hardest time of all. Not only will they be truely shocked to face the God they tried so hard to disprove but I think He is going to be a bit miffed at all there effort to put Him down and insult His creation. But for the grace of God it coulda been me in that mob.
So I am thankful for a loving, forgiving God. Who sent His son to die for MY sins that I could have eternal life. And I pray that God will open the eyes of these tools of Satan and possibly save some.
So I am thankful for a loving, forgiving God. Who sent His son to die for MY sins that I could have eternal life. And I pray that God will open the eyes of these tools of Satan and possibly save some.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In trouble for sharing!?
So today we are just sitting around playing/watching t.v. and eating breakfast all at the same time. Just me and the two babies as Addi never gets up before 10. Anderson usually puts his food on the table and goes back and forth between it and playing. (The only way I can get him to eat more than a few bites) Well I thought he was still in play mode. Stopped looking at him for a minute, and then I hear Alli spiting up... but she is not just spitting up... she is spitting out chewed up cheese! I have told him time and time again NOT to share his food with his little sister. (how much can a 19 month old understand) Especially when I am telling him all the time he HAS to share his toys. Well he was being a nice brother or so he thought when he got yelled at and put in the "time-out pen." (aka pack-n-play) She really enjoys when he gives her food and doesn't understand why mom frantically digs it out of her mouth. And then she smiles at him and giggles. This little duo is going to be double trouble in the future... I can see it already!
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