So lately while reading a friend's blog I somehow got linked to a few other blogs from people who had responded and what not. Now I am hooked on reading this God-hating atheist girl's blog and every day I feel like my head will explode with the shenanigans she pulls and the horrid blogs she posts. But its like a train wreck! I can't stop reading. I can't stop being annoyed at the fact that there are actually people out there that cannot see that there is a God. I mean bible aside. How can someone think the earth "exploded" into being?? It blows my mind. And why do these people insist on being hateful, insulting and rude to those of us who don't believe like they do? I think it takes a lot more faith to NOT believe in God than it does to believe! The bible says that even the devils believe and tremble. So not only are these people fools, but they are dumber than the devil!!! But as mad as I get at the things they say and do in the name of their beliefs, I get sad. Because one of these days we will ALL stand before God. And I think for your average hell-bound unbeliever it is going to be excrusiating. But somehow I think that these people are going to have the hardest time of all. Not only will they be truely shocked to face the God they tried so hard to disprove but I think He is going to be a bit miffed at all there effort to put Him down and insult His creation. But for the grace of God it coulda been me in that mob.
So I am thankful for a loving, forgiving God. Who sent His son to die for MY sins that I could have eternal life. And I pray that God will open the eyes of these tools of Satan and possibly save some.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In trouble for sharing!?
So today we are just sitting around playing/watching t.v. and eating breakfast all at the same time. Just me and the two babies as Addi never gets up before 10. Anderson usually puts his food on the table and goes back and forth between it and playing. (The only way I can get him to eat more than a few bites) Well I thought he was still in play mode. Stopped looking at him for a minute, and then I hear Alli spiting up... but she is not just spitting up... she is spitting out chewed up cheese! I have told him time and time again NOT to share his food with his little sister. (how much can a 19 month old understand) Especially when I am telling him all the time he HAS to share his toys. Well he was being a nice brother or so he thought when he got yelled at and put in the "time-out pen." (aka pack-n-play) She really enjoys when he gives her food and doesn't understand why mom frantically digs it out of her mouth. And then she smiles at him and giggles. This little duo is going to be double trouble in the future... I can see it already!
Friday, July 24, 2009
My first blog! Yay me!
So 2 years ago I started this blog. And here I am making my first post. No clue what I'm doing but I put 2 pics on and made it pretty so thats a start right?? :)
So here's my life in a nutshell, Mommy is my name, diaper doody is my game. (pun intended) I love my job of taking care of the 3 precious gifts God has given me. Addi is my oldest, she is 5 1/2. She is spunky to put it mildly. Way to much energy for my liking but keeps me on my toes for sure. Antz is my middle child, although if you didn't see the baby you'd think he WAS the baby because he is only 19 months! He is my lovable, cuddley mama's boy. Sweet as can be and sooooo laid back. And then there's Alli. 7 months old and already high maintenance. She only likes to be held certain ways, or fed certain ways... sheshhhh, what'do I look like supermom. Gotta have attention constantly and not from just anyone... but from mom. We spend our days at the zoo, parks, movies, toot's, and an occasional educational activity(she tells people she is homeschooled- not true, we do an occasional workbook or so- I am not a teacher by far), pretty much anything we can find that is free or cheap.
The last few months of our lives have been crazy and turned upside down and I'm sure the next few are going to be too. But God has a plan for our family and we are gonna keep trusting in Him for what is the next chapter and can't wait to see the great things He has in store for us!
So here's my life in a nutshell, Mommy is my name, diaper doody is my game. (pun intended) I love my job of taking care of the 3 precious gifts God has given me. Addi is my oldest, she is 5 1/2. She is spunky to put it mildly. Way to much energy for my liking but keeps me on my toes for sure. Antz is my middle child, although if you didn't see the baby you'd think he WAS the baby because he is only 19 months! He is my lovable, cuddley mama's boy. Sweet as can be and sooooo laid back. And then there's Alli. 7 months old and already high maintenance. She only likes to be held certain ways, or fed certain ways... sheshhhh, what'do I look like supermom. Gotta have attention constantly and not from just anyone... but from mom. We spend our days at the zoo, parks, movies, toot's, and an occasional educational activity(she tells people she is homeschooled- not true, we do an occasional workbook or so- I am not a teacher by far), pretty much anything we can find that is free or cheap.
The last few months of our lives have been crazy and turned upside down and I'm sure the next few are going to be too. But God has a plan for our family and we are gonna keep trusting in Him for what is the next chapter and can't wait to see the great things He has in store for us!
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