Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stop and say "WOW!"

Psalm 94:19
In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

Don't you just love when you read something that just makes you stop and say WOW!?!
That is one of the awesome things about Psalms. I think it is becoming my favorite book because I am having these moments more than ever before. Man this one really rung my bell.
I have been going through some serious trials lately. And I find myself daily, hourly, constantly thinking about and worrying about what, when, why and all those other unanswerable questions. But it is amazing to know that in the mist of the battle raging in my brain that if I will just stop for a sec, and think about the Lord, and His blessings toward me (which are innumerable) that he will comfort me! In the end when I stand before Him are these things I am making myself sick over really going to matter?? No way. All that is going to matter is the things that I have done for Him. Being a faithful servant, witnessing to the lost, showing His love to a world in need.
We have been studying Exodus in my Sunday school class. And it seems like I can really relate to the Israelites. They were a whiney bunch of no-good, blow whichever way the wind goes, kinda people. They complained about EVERYTHING. Even when God blessed them it wasn't good enough. And they were so unfaithful. They'd get away from God and get in hard times and then come crying for a blessing. And even though they didn't deserve it God heard their cry and gave them mercy. They went round and round back and forth with this. And then here am I. Whiney, unfaithful, crying for a blessing that I don't deserve. But the awesome thing is no matter how much I let Him down, He loves me. He picks me up when I fall, He forgives everytime. Read Psalm 106 especially verses 43-45 to see what I'm talking about.
To sum all this up I am most thankful for 2 things. That Jesus is not only my Savior but He is also my Comforter. I hope that in my life I can show others that He is the Giver of ALL blessings. Even when life is hard and we go through the impossible, He is still there and He is ALWAYS good.

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