Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In trouble for sharing!?

Ant is in trouble!
yes that is gross chewed cheese on her! thought ya'll would love that!

Alli happy and content!

So today we are just sitting around playing/watching t.v. and eating breakfast all at the same time. Just me and the two babies as Addi never gets up before 10. Anderson usually puts his food on the table and goes back and forth between it and playing. (The only way I can get him to eat more than a few bites) Well I thought he was still in play mode. Stopped looking at him for a minute, and then I hear Alli spiting up... but she is not just spitting up... she is spitting out chewed up cheese! I have told him time and time again NOT to share his food with his little sister. (how much can a 19 month old understand) Especially when I am telling him all the time he HAS to share his toys. Well he was being a nice brother or so he thought when he got yelled at and put in the "time-out pen." (aka pack-n-play) She really enjoys when he gives her food and doesn't understand why mom frantically digs it out of her mouth. And then she smiles at him and giggles. This little duo is going to be double trouble in the future... I can see it already!

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